
Bunker Hill Savanna

Welcome! To join a workday, please RSVP or contact the stewards ahead of time (see Contacts at the bottom of each event).

NOTE: All youth (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or be part of a chaperoned group (e.g. scouts, schools, etc). See our FAQs page for details.

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29 Mar

Bunker Hill Savanna

March 29 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Winding west and north along the bluff above the Chicago River, the bike path runs through the Forest Preserve known as Bunker Hill Savanna and Sidney Yates Flatwoods . Bounded by Caldwell, Devon and the North Branch of the Chicago River, the site is approximately 100 acres and lies within the Chicago city limits. It encompasses a mosaic of open savanna, oak woodland, and flatwoods.
Learn more about Bunker Hill Savanna

Directions: West side of Caldwell between Devon and Touhy; entrance located just opposite Tonty Street. For Bunker Hill Meet in first section of parking lot; for Oxbow, follow road until it turns north, then park along the west side.

Please RSVP (below). For more information contact:
Erin Faulkner  at (708) 220-5606 or Rebecca Blazer at Bunker Savanna

Serpenteando hacia el oeste y el norte a lo largo del acantilado sobre el río Chicago, el sendero para bicicletas atraviesa la Reserva Forestal conocida como Bunker Hill Savanna y Sidney Yates Flatwoods. Limitado por Caldwell, Devon y la rama norte del río Chicago, el sitio tiene aproximadamente 100 acres y se encuentra dentro de los límites de la ciudad de Chicago. Abarca un mosaico de sabana abierta, bosques de robles y bosque plano.
Aprender más sobre Bunker Savanna

Direcciones: Lado oeste de Caldwell entre Devon y Touhy; entrada ubicada justo enfrente de Tonty Street. Reúnase en la primera sección del estacionamiento, justo al lado de Caldwell.

Contactos: Para más información o para ser voluntario: Stewards Erin Faulkner (708) 220-5606 y Rebecca Blazer en Bunker Savanna. Erin habla español y les damos bienvenidos a los miembros de la comunidad que prefieren conversar en español!






restoration workday

0 Going
15 remaining

Event Details

Date: March 29 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Venue Bunker Hill Forest Preserve
Address: 6800 Caldwell Ave
Organizer Name: Bunker Savanna