Welcome! To join a workday, please RSVP or contact the stewards ahead of time (see Contacts at the bottom of each event).

NOTE: All youth (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or be part of a chaperoned group (e.g. scouts, schools, etc). See our FAQs page for details.

Wayside Woods & Prairie

Wayside Forest Preserve 8874 Lehigh Ave, Morton Grove

The village of Morton Grove has a constellation of sites. One of the fine prairie restorations along the North Branch is Wayside Woods Prairie. A former baseball diamond is now covered with...


St Paul Woods

St Paul Woods Forest Preserve 6500 Oakton Ave, Morton Grove

St Paul Woods is an inviting oak-hickory woodland situated east of the North Branch of the Chicago River. Like many of our native woodlands, it needs management to clear invasive brush and...


Somme Woods South

Somme Woods South 1625 Ferndale Ave, Northbrook

  Somme Woods South Parking for these workdays is on a residential street. See below. To volunteer or for more information contact:  Linda Masters For workdays at Somme Woods South, park only on the south...


Labagh-Hernandez Woods

Labagh-Hernandez Woods 5275 N. Cicero, Chicago

Located on the North Branch of the Chicago River, LaBagh is an important stopover point for birds during their spring and fall migration journeys. Most of LaBagh is made up of floodplain...