Welcome! To join a workday, please RSVP or contact the stewards ahead of time (see Contacts at the bottom of each event).

NOTE: All youth (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or be part of a chaperoned group (e.g. scouts, schools, etc). See our FAQs page for details.

Wayside Woods & Prairie

Wayside Forest Preserve 8874 Lehigh Ave, Morton Grove, il

The village of Morton Grove has a constellation of sites. One of the fine prairie restorations along the North Branch is Wayside Woods Prairie. A former baseball diamond is now covered with...


Somme Woods

Somme Woods 1714 Dundee Road, Northbrook, IL, United States

Somme Woods has bur and white oak savannas and woodlands with massive old oaks, open marshes, and ephemeral ponds. Rich with native plants and animals, the savannas and woodlands are being restored to...


Spicebush Woods

Spicebush Woods 6221 N Caldwell Avenue, Chicago, il

Restoration work is just beginning on this beautifully wooded site of towering oaks and hickories with an understory of blue beech and spicebush. We'll be clearing buckthorn and pole trees to let...


Bunker North Flatwoods

Bunker North Flatwoods 6600 West Harts Road, Niles, IL

Bunker North Flatwoods gets its cathedral-like character from the large old pin oaks that dominate the canopy. Join the North Branch Restoration Project and Centennial Volunteers as we restore this oak woodland...


Kent Fuller Air Station Prairie

Air Station Prairie 2400 Compass Rd, Glenview, il

Farther west in Glenview, along the west fork of the North Branch, is the Air Station Prairie. Sixty years of annual mowing as a security zone for the main runway of the...


Harms Woods

Glenview Woods parking lot, west side of Harms Road, just south of Glenview Rd. 721 Harms Road, Glenview, Il

This fine oak woodland lies on the west side of the North Branch of the Chicago River in the village of Glenview. Several different species of oak are represented here; red oaks...
