Oxbow Prairie
Oxbow Prairie 6800 N Caldwell Ave, Chicago, ilOxbow Prairie, formed by an old loop in the river’s course, lies northwest of Bunker Hill Savanna. This old oxbow in the Chicago River’s North Branch is a combination of low, wet...
Oxbow Prairie, formed by an old loop in the river’s course, lies northwest of Bunker Hill Savanna. This old oxbow in the Chicago River’s North Branch is a combination of low, wet...
Harms Woods East is a mixture of upland woods, floodplain and wet woods lying east of the Chicago River. Work at this part of the site began in 2012 with brush removal...
An important corridor for migratory birds, Forest Glen is part of the Lower North Branch Preserves. This unique woodland, savanna, and floodplain ecosystem needs help from our volunteer community to remove invasive...
Somme Woods South Parking for these workdays is on a residential street. See below. To volunteer or for more information contact: Linda Masters For workdays at Somme Woods South, park only on the south...
Farther west in Glenview, along the west fork of the North Branch, is the Air Station Prairie. Sixty years of annual mowing as a security zone for the main runway of the...
Named for the joining of the Middle and East Forks of the North Branch of the Chicago River, Watersmeet Prairie Grove has a wide variety of communities, from a limey, wet woods...