Welcome! To join a workday, please RSVP or contact the stewards ahead of time (see Contacts at the bottom of each event).

NOTE: All youth (under 18 years of age) must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, or be part of a chaperoned group (e.g. scouts, schools, etc). See our FAQs page for details.

Harms Woods

Glenview Woods parking lot, west side of Harms Road, just south of Glenview Rd. 721 Harms Road, Glenview

This fine oak woodland lies on the west side of the North Branch of the Chicago River in the village of Glenview. Several different species of oak are represented here; red oaks...

RSVP Now Free 14 spots left

Somme Prairie Grove

Somme Prairie Grove 1714 Dundee Rd, Northbrook

Somme Prairie Grove is a mosaic of prairie, savanna, and woodland. Flowers and grasses such as purple milkweed, cream gentian, bottlebrush grass, and Joe Pye weed contribute to its high quality. Indian...

RSVP Now Free 15 spots left

Indian Road Woods

5901 N Central Ave Chicago IL, 60646 5901 N Central Ave, Chicago

At Indian Road Woods visitors can stroll through a grove of stately old bur oaks on a bluff above the river. In springtime, a large population of the rare wild hyacinth provides...

RSVP Now Free 15 spots left