
Linne Prairie

Linne Prairie

Linne Prairie is a different site from the rest of the North Branch preserves. The area was used as temporary storage for a huge pile of limestone excavated for the deep tunnel project. After most of the limestone was removed, the contractor covered the remaining material with a layer of soil and planted purchased seeds of native plants. After the initial two years of management by outside contract, the District and North Branch now share management, with the eventual goal of a facsimile hill prairie. While this is not a bona fide recovering natural area, it can still become a functioning system that is compatible with the surrounding native communities and that provides important habitat for wildlife.


Directions: Meet at Wayside Woods Prairie Forest Preserve parking lot on the west side of Lehigh Ave, a few blocks east of Waukegan Road and just north of Dempster.
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For more information or to volunteer: Contact Marian Thill (847) 966-0231 at Linne Prairie

Linne Prairie Workdays